Three more years for cooperation with the Specialised Information Service Social and Cultural Anthropology

The research data center Qualiservice has again been granted funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Within the domain of ethnographic research materials, new archiving solutions for social media data and audio-visual data will be developed in the coming three years.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) approved another funding period for the years 2022-2024. This success is the result of an intensive cooperation with the Scientific Information Service Social and Cultural Anthropology (FID SKA) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The research data center Qualiservice participated in the renewed application from the FID SKA, which has now been approved by the DFG. The aim is to expand Qualiservice as a German-wide specialist repository for qualitative ethnographic research data and provide adequate solutions for the often highly sensitive research data. In the future, other data formats, in particular multilingual research data, social media data and audio-visual data, will be archived in a secure environment and made available for further use in research and teaching. Due to the manifold legal, ethical and methodological requirements for archiving these kind of research data, the main focus will be on exploratory approaches to archiving possibilities. Legal and technical examinations will be coupled with information offers and continued discussions on research data management with professionals in the anthropological disciplines. With regard to the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the FID SKA is involved in the KonsortSWD via Qualiservice and can thus feed important discussions back to the ethnographic researchers.

Qualiservice is pleased to deepen and expand its work and services for further three years and to serve anthropologists as reliable infrastructure partner.

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