Partners and Collaborations

Specialised Information Services (FID)

Qualiservice as a partner in specialised information services (FID)

The DFG funding line "Specialized Information Services" aims to sustainably improve the provision of information resources and research access in scientific disciplines. Specialised information services (FID) work out infrastructural issues for the interface to research and support discussion and positioning processes in the disciplines.

The research data center (RDC) Qualiservice is involved in several specialised information services and responsible for work packages related to the data mangement of qualitative research data and materials. Within the framework of these FIDs, discipline- and material-specific solutions for archiving are developed and existing services, handouts and tools are adapted and further developed to meet the needs of these disciplines with a focus on types of research data and materials that are particularly widespread in the respective disciplines. Close cooperation with researchers from these scientific communities is essential for the development of research-related services. This leads to an expansion of the general Qualiservice portfolio - which in turn is available to researchers from other disciplines.

Moreover, this developmental work enables improvements of advisory services in all FIDs, considering subject-specific features in order to support researchers in preparing their qualitative research data and materials for longterm archiving and scientific re-use. In addition to handouts and templates, this also includes various training formats (workshops) and, in particular, individual project-specific advice.

The offers and services are currently being developed and will be continuously refined in collaboration with researchers from the respective subjects.

Specialised Information Service Social and Cultural Anthropology (FID SKA)

Qualiservice has been involved in the Specialised Information Service Social and Cultural Anthropology (FID SKA) since 2019. The FID is managed jointly with the University Library of Humoldt-Universität zu Berlin. Qualiservice's work packages focus on the development and expansion of options for archiving and scientific re-use of ethnographic research data and materials from ethnographic research.

Initially, a domain for typical field research materials such as field diaries, field notes, observation protocols, audio recordings and photos was established. In the current funding phase (2022-2024), the focus is on developing solutions and workflows for archiving and provision of multilingual, audiovisual and internet-based research materials from ethnographic research.

The expansion of continuous advisory services for researchers from ethnoloigcal disciplines as well as researchers from other scientific disciplines who work ethnographically is a central task, particularly in view of the heterogenity of ethnographic fields and approaches.

Ethnographic research materials archived at the RDC Qualiservice can also be searched and found in EVIFA, the specialised portal for ethnological subjects.

Contact: Dr. Michaela Rizzolli
Phone: +49 421 218-57085
E-Mail: michaela.rizzolli(at)
Web: Link

Specialised Information Service Sociology (SocioHub)

Since 2023, Qualiservice is involved within the Sociology Information Service (SocioHub), which is run jointly with the University and City Library (USB) of Cologne and GESIS - Leibniz Insititute for the Social Sciences.

Within the framework of the current FID funding phase, researchers are supported with individual advice in preparing their qualitative research data for archiving.

Qualiservice is also expanding its portfolio to include workflows for archiving and curating qualitative research data generated in group discussions and focus groups. Moreover, the workflows already developed together with GESIS for the distributed archiving of mixed-methods studies will be improved: Qualitative material will be archived at Qualiservice, quantitative data at GESIS, while the project context will remain visible and traceable.

In the future, research data archived at Qualiservice will also be listed in the specialized information platform SocioHub.

Contact (provisional): Dr. des. Viola Logemann
Fachinformationsdienst Soziologie (SocioHub)
E-Mail: viola.logemann(at)

Specialised Information Service Political Science (Pollux)

Since 2023, Qualiservice is involved in the Specialised Information Service Political Science (Pollux), which is run jointly with the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) and GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.

Within the framework of the current FID funding phase, a discipline-specific contact and advice center for the archiving and secondary use of qualitative research data from political science will be created, which will develop information services and provide workshops and individual consultations.

Moreover, Qualiservice is developing workflows for the curation of expert interviews and document(corpora).

In the future, research data from the political sciences archived at Qualiservice will also be available via the Pollux search portal.

Contact: Paula Lein, M.Sc.
E-Mail: paula.lein(at)
Web: Link

DP-R|EX - The data portal for racism and right-wing extremism research

Since 2022, Qualiservice is involved in the development of a specialised data portal for research on racism and right-wing extremism (R|EX) research. The project ist funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, 2021-2026) and carried out in partnership with the GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, the research data centre of the German Centre for Integration and Migration research (DeZIM.fdz) and the Social Media Observatory (SMO) at the Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI).

The project aims to establish a subject-specific research data infrastructure (RDI) specifially related to racism and right-wing extremism (R|EX) research. This includes the improvement of retrieval options as well as tailored services to support the managment and sharing of qualitative R|EX data in order to enable sustainable research and scientific re-use of data. Interdisciplinary research activities of the project team regarding empirical research into prejudices are coordinated by GESIS within the Cologne Prejudice and Extremism Lab (ColPreExLab).

In the framwork of the project, Qualiservice is responsible for the preparation and documentation of qualitative R|EX research data for scientific re-use. Moreover, Qualiservice provides advice and support for researchers working with qualitative R|EX data with regard to research data management and archiving of R|EX research data.

Contact: Theresa Manderscheid, M.A.
Phone: +49 421 218-58516
E-Mail: theresa.manderscheid(at)
Web: Link